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Worship is a big part of the life of glmc. As you might expect, our Sunday services are an important part of the way we worship but there's more to it than that.


Music has always figured prominently in Sunday worship and we do all the traditional hymns with organ/piano as well as contemporary worship songs with a worship band. Our brass band also plays a part in worship services.


Our worship doesn't stop once we're out of the church building. We try to give glory to God in all aspects of our lives - socialising, work, and leisure. Social Justice is one way in which we integrate worship and everyday life. We preach into the issues of the day and that impacts on the way we (for instance) care for the environment... fairtrade and the things we buy in the shops... people caught in poverty... tackling the issues of homelessness and addiction. We also play our part in distinctly Methodist charitable work such as All We Can, Methodist Women in Britain etc.


During the recent Coronavirus pandemic we worked with the community to provide c.9,000 lunches, free of charge, to vulnerable people in the area. More than 60 volunteers were involved. A foodbank and 'community table' were also established to continue to serve the needs of the community and stop perfectly good food going to landfill. All this springs from our understanding of scripture... God's word to us.


We are are always eager to play our full part in the community of Great Lumley by making positive contributions when and where we can. Members of the church have been involved with local politics, community amenities and the Great Lumley Festival.

We're determined to show that God's love can make a real difference to people's everyday lives.
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