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Most days of the week something is going on at glmc. We do our best to put our faith into action. Day by day it looks like this midweek:



9.00am: Heaven's Kitchen Prep Team meets (Term-time only)

11.00am: Prayer Meeting

2.00pm: Foodbank and Community Table opens till 3.00pm



10.00am 'Friends' group meets for tea/coffee and conversation

11.30am: Heaven's Kitchen opens for lovely lunches (Term-time only)

2.00pm: Foodbank and Community Table opens till 3.00pm

7.30pm: Brass Band Practice (also meets on Sundays at 7.30pm)



7.30am: Early Prayer Meeting

2.00pm: Foodbank and Community Table opens till 3.00pm

7.00pm: Boccia Group for people with Learning Disabilities (and carers)



2.00pm: Foodbank and Community Table opens till 3.00pm

7.30pm: Home Groups meet at various locations (Term-time only)



2.00pm: Foodbank and Community Table opens till 3.00pm



7.30am: Men's Prayer Breakfast (monthly, every 3rd Saturday)


External organisations hire rooms in the building for their regular meetings and a current list of these are listed below:


Monday to Friday

7.30am Breakfast Club and 3.00pm After School Club run by First Steps Nursery during term time.



6.00pm: Buzz (Youth Group for Girls 7-11 years) meets weekly



6.30pm: Slimming World



9.30am: Quarterly Lumley Surgery for Kevan Jones MP. By appointment only so please check with his constituency office in Sacriston for details. Telephone 0191 371 8834.

We're determined to show that God's love can make a real difference to people's everyday lives.
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